Vaccination and Immunization / Vaksinasi dan Imunisasi

Vaccination and Immunization /
Vaksinasi dan Imunisasi

Vaccination refers to the administration of a vaccine, which is a preparation of killed or weakened pathogens (or parts of pathogens) that stimulate the immune system to produce a protective response against the disease-causing agent. Vaccines are typically administered through injection, although some can be given orally or nasally. The purpose of vaccination is to create immunity to a specific disease in the recipient, which will help to prevent them from getting sick if they are exposed to the disease-causing agent in the future.

Immunization, on the other hand, refers to the process of inducing or enhancing the body's immune response to a particular infectious disease. This can be achieved through vaccination or through exposure to the disease itself, which can lead to natural immunity. Immunization can also refer to the process of boosting immunity in individuals who have already been vaccinated or exposed to a disease, such as through booster shots.

May's Family Clinic will typically administer vaccines to patients as part of a larger immunization strategy to protect them from a variety of infectious diseases. This may involve following a vaccine schedule recommended by public health authorities or tailoring the approach based on the individual patient's medical history, age, and other factors. The goal of vaccination and immunization in a clinic is to prevent the spread of disease and promote overall public health.

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